Sunday, 18 March 2012

Mother's Day Wishes...

Hello on Mother's Day, I hope you are all being spoilt today, grandmothers included. Me, I've been having a lazy day along with my hubby. Dinner will be had at home because I do not like crowded restaurants, which they will be today. Also, I feel that 'Mother's Day' should be every day..Do you hear that, the sun has been shinning today for us so that's a blessing, a nice stroll along the beach could be the order of the day....

To My Mother:

For all the times you gently picked me up, When I fell down, For all the times you tied my shoes And tucked me into bed, Or needed something But put me first instead. For everything we shared, The dreams, the laughter, And the tears, I love you with a "Special Love" That deepens every year.

~ Author Unknown ~

Mom And Me:

Best friends forever mom and me picking flowers and climbing trees. A shoulder to cry on secrets to share, Warm hearts and hands that really care. ~ Author Unknown ~

Enjoy your day.

Until next time, take care...Hugs Chrissy xx